Lawyer Minds Podcast #10 – The Importance of State Trial Lawyers’ Associations w/ Brett Emison

Published on Oct 1, 2020
This is the official podcast of Lawyer Minds. We’ll discuss news related to the Lawyer Minds ecosystem and the legal industry in general.

The Show

Official Lawyer Minds Podcast

The Hosts

Mike Campbell

Mike Campbell heads the Columbia, MO office of Thomas Law Offices and concentrates his practice on motor vehicle and medical negligence litigation. He is on the Board of Governors for the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys, is an associate editor …

Tad Thomas

Mr. Thomas is the founding partner of Thomas Law Offices with offices in Louisville, Kentucky, Cincinnati, Ohio and Chicago, IL.  He and his firm practice solely in the area of civil litigation with a primary focus on medical device and pharmaceutical …

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Brett Emison of Langdon and Emison is a nationally known trial attorney who is heavily involved in both the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys and the American Association of Justice.  In fact, Brett just finished a term as President of the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys (“MATA”) during one of the more challenging and unique years any President has faced.  Beyond his time in the Missouri Capitol as President of MATA, Brett has spent countless hours meeting with National, State, and local legislators advocating for the rights of his clients and tort victims across the State.  As “tort reform” measures continue to sweep the country, Brett talks about how developing relationships with state and local legislators play a crucial role in putting a face and name to the trial bar and to the importance of ensuring our clients’ 7th Amendment rights are protected.

To learn more about Brett and his practice, please visit his firm’s site:

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  • One of the ways we’re tackling this is through written interviews that lawyers can nominate themselves to complete.
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      • If selected, your interview will get published on a specific day and get featured on our site and on social media.
    • We’re also launching a series of podcasts and articles from a variety of contributors, but are encouraging others to apply.
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