Learning to Define Success as a Lawyer

Learning to Define Success as a Lawyer

By Mike Campbell | Mar 4, 2021 | Law Firm Management

We’ve all heard the following story before: “For a long time I chased money, but found out that the real joy in life comes from things you can’t buy.” Beyond a trope used commonly in movies, it’s a real-life experience I’ve actually had. When I was younger, I found myself chasing an ideal. My ideal […]

Law Firm Retreats

Law Firm Retreats

By Ryan McKeen | Dec 1, 2020 | Law Firm Management

Article by Ryan McKeen This is one of the most important things that you can possibly do for your law firm. It’s something that, if you do it right, will really move the needle and make a difference in how you practice and how you serve clients. And it will make a difference for your […]
